7 Errores de lo más común entre los hipanohablantes al hablar inglés

Te explico 7 de los errores más comunes que los hispanohablantes comentemos al hablar inglés. Aprenderás la razón por la que se cometen estos errores y cuál es su forma correcta.

Ya no hay excusas, como siempre te digo estos consejos son totalmente accionables, así que escribe tus propios ejemplos (empieza en comentarios) e implementa en tu próxima conversación en inglés.

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Laura Muñoz Pérez
Is ENGLISH a MUST-HAVE for professionals?

Existe un idea universal que en español nos recuerda que “todos los días se aprende algo nuevo” y en inglés dice; “live and learn”.

Yo también estoy de acuerdo con que en la vida estamos en contínuo estado de aprendizaje. Esta idea está muy relacionada con nuestra curiosidad y sobre todo con el desarrollo personal y profesional.

Desarrollarte y mejorar tus habilidades es fundamental para una vida satisfactoria y un trabajo gratificante, al menos, para conseguir el trabajo que te mereces y tanto quieres conseguir.

Al igual que adquieres habilidades/skills como leadership, manejar Microsoft packages, organización y tantas otras que están a la orden del día; el inglés es una de las habilidades más importantes con las que debes contar, es decir, un must-have profesional.

Simplemente, cuestiónate lo que el inglés cambiaría en tu vida de tenerlo como habilidad profesional.

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Laura Muñoz Pérez
English is lifelong learning process

I love listening to my students and understanding their progress in English and their struggles, because by doing it I am in a better position to help and tackle the problems!

This week I have come across three main issues and I would like to share the solution with you.

Keep reading to learn more about it1

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Laura Muñoz Pérez
The Importance of English in Today´s World

Why should you improve and aim for fluent English?

English is the most influential language at work at the moment, wherever you are, whatever you do, there is always something that requires some knowledge of English. And the way our world goes, it seems it will stay like that for quite some time.

Don´t cut yourself off from all those amazing opportunities out there; keep improving!

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“SMALL TALK” in English

Small Talk is an informal type of conversation that natives love. It is essential on a day-to-day basis, particularly for networking, in many situations at work and or when meeting new people as a conversation starter.

What does that mean? Well, it simply means that wherever you are, you should get the conversation going but about topics that may not be crucial or relevant to save the world! It is used to get to know others around you and to find a connection with them. It may help you break the ice in any stressful or uncomfortable situation or start a conversation with someone new.




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Make the habit of learning English

Are you consistent and intentional about your English?

Perhaps right now you are thinking about excuses. Be intentional about your learning process and make time every day for a bit of English.

Above all, remember to stay focused while studying, if you are too distracted, nothing will change much.

It may sound harsh, but if you are really serious about improving your English, you will certainly find few minutes a day for intentional practice.

The change starts with you, you have the answer so start maximising your time now!

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