English is lifelong learning process

This week I have had some lessons with my students and, as always, I have also learnt a lot from them. I love listening to them and understanding their progress in English and their struggles, because by doing it I am in a better position to help and tackle the problems!

This week I have come across three main issues and I would like to share the solution with you.

If someone doesn´t understand you, DON´T TAKE IT PERSONALLY

This is quite common, we all have spoken to someone who, despite our efforts, can´t seem to understand what you try to say. Let me just say, it is normal, I feel your pain.

More often than not we think it is because our level of English is not good enough. The thing is, there are so many accents and people speaking English around the world right now that sometimes, particularly if the person is not used to your accent or to dealing with foreigners, people will find it difficult to figure out the way you speak.

You see? It is not about your language skills, but their frame of mind. Also, realise that you may be using expressions or vocabulary that those people might not have heard of before.

That brings me to the second piece of advice: ENGLISH IS A LIFELONG PROCESS

Even if you reach your current goal, you cannot stop there. There is always something new to learn, to practise. Please do not assume the attitude of a "know-it-all" person; celebrate your goals and keep on practising, revising and learning no matter the level you are at.

Languages are tricky because if you get lazy and not growing as a learner, your level will probably get worse. This is basically the old saying: "use it or lose it".

And finally, please remember that EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT

No matter what level you are at, don´t think about what others around you have achieved or how fast/slow they learn. You never know how much effort that person has made to get there or the challenges along the way.

English is a journey and you follow your own path, so embrace it and enjoy it!

I´d love to know more about your journey and walk it with you, reach out and let me know how it goes.

Laura Muñoz Pérez